Archery: Modelling of architectural patterns
Archery is a language for behavioural and structural modelling of
architectural patterns supporting hierarchical composition and a type discipline.
Semantics for modelling reconfiguration and constraints of
architectural patterns are currently under development.
Our approach is to provide a translation
to mCRL2
for the behavioural dimension and
to bigraphical reactive systems for the structural.
Translator Archery->mCRL2
A java implementation of Archery to mCRL2 translator is available.
The current version (0.7 - 24/04/2012) is included
in a compressed file
with the contents as follow:
-examples: a folder with example archery specifications
-translator.jar: a java implementation of the translator a shell script for invoking the translator a shell script that uses
to translate some of the examples
A guide describing the language syntax
and providing illustrative examples is also available
Support: The Evolve project
The development of Archery was partially supported by
the project Evolve (Evolutionary Verification, Validation and Certification),
funded under contract QREN 1621.
A perspective on architectural re-engineering.
Alejandro Sánchez, Nuno Oliveira, Luís S. Barbosa, Pedro Henriques.
In Science of Computer Programming. 2014.
Verifying Bigraphical Models of Architectural Reconfigurations.
Alejandro Sánchez, Luís S. Barbosa, Daniel Riesco.
In proceedings of the International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering (TASE 2013).
2013. pp. 135-138.
Analysing Tactics in Architectural Patterns.
Alejandro Sánchez, Luís S. Barbosa, Daniel Riesco.
35th Annual IEEE Software Engineering Workshop (SEW 2012).
Heraklion, Greece, 2012, pp. 32-41.
Bigraphical Modelling of Architectural Patterns.
Alejandro Sánchez, Luís S. Barbosa, Daniel Riesco.
In Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Formal Aspects of Component Software, FACS 2011.
Springer (to appear).
September 2011, Oslo, Norway.
A Language for Behavioural Modelling of Architectural Patterns.
Alejandro Sánchez, Luís S. Barbosa, Daniel Riesco.
In Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Behavioural Modelling - Foundations and Applications, BM-FA 2011, pp 17-24.
ISBN: 978-1-4503-0617-1. June 2011, Birmingham, United Kingdom.